Wednesday, April 13, 2016

RRB Stenographer Junior Translator Final Result 2015-16 Selection List Appointment/ Joining on |

Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.. General Engineering(Mechanical). The candidates will be selected on the basis of their performances in Paper I and Paper II after which they will be called for interview, if short listed. The paper will contain two passages for translation-one passage for translation from Hindi to English and one passage for translation from English to Hindi, and an Essay each in Hindi and English, to test the candidates’ translation skills and their ability to write as well as comprehend the two languages correctly, precisely and effectively..

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will hold on 19-06-2016 an All India Open Competitive Examination for recruitment to the posts of Junior Hindi Translators, Junior Translators, Senior Hindi Translators and Hindi Pradhyapak.


. These posts are often abbreviated as JHT in short form.

SSC Junior Translator exam connsist of two parts:. PartSubjectTotal QuestionsTotal MarksIGeneral Intelligence + Reasoning5050IIGeneral Awareness50 50IIIQuantitive Aptitude50 50IVEnglish Comprehension50 50Total marks200 200.

2 Hour for Paper II from 2-4 Pm. Scheme and Syllabus of the Combined Recruitment of Junior Hindi Translators, Junior Translators, Senior Hindi Translator & Hindi Pradhyaapak Examination, 2016:.

You can get complete detail regarding SSC vacancies such as post name, required qualification, age limitation, scale of pay, application fee, mode of recruitment, way to apply etc from this page which is well prepared by the team of

PartSubjectTotal QuestionsTotal MarksTotal Time
IQuantitative Ability1002002 Hours
IIEnglish Language & Comprehension200 2002 Hours
IIIStatics100 2002 Hours
. This will be released by the exam conducting authority along with the various educational experts and portals for the student’s benefit.


JUNIOR HINDI TRANSLATOR AND HINDI PRADHYAPAK. The selection will be done on the bases of the written exam and interview..

Note-I : Paper-I will consist of Objective Type- Multiple choice questions only. SSC Junior Hindi Translator Exam Answer Key 2016 17th Jan Result SSC Going to Recruit for Junior Hindi Translator in 2016 , SSC Junior Hindi Translator Recruitment 2016


Aspirants can check the exam pattern and take an idea for the upcoming exam through previous year SSC Junior Hindi Translator Question Papers..

Tags : answer key,ssc jht answer key 2016,answer,exam,paper,junior,translator,marks,recruitment,english,download,,news,ssc junior hindi translator recruitment,ssc junior hindi translator sample question paper,staff selection commission,

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